Megan Holland, Women In Wine co-founder, at Blenheim Vineyards. Photo by Hannah Malloy

Megan Holland, InWine founder, at Blenheim Vineyards. Photo by Hannah Malloy

Who are we?

InWine (formally Women In Wine) is a cohort of people of the marginalized gender experience (anyone who is not a cisgender, heterosexual man) and LGBTQ+ people who come together in Richmond, Virginia, to drink and learn about wine based on a theme.

We’re grateful to all the teachers who bring their skillset to share with us – educated people who take their time to hang with us! Each theme changes based on the teacher’s expertise.

If you come with knowledge or are a n00b to wine, come join us! Classes aim to tailor discussion around all knowledge levels.

– Building community through wine –


Our logo has a cool story

Thank you thank you, to Chelsea Wolf with Wild Night Walks for all the thought and love you put into this art. Notice all of the herbs and flowers, those are all intentional: you can find many of those in some of the most common aromatized wines. I’m smelling rosemary and orange blossom!


Directors Emily Abshire and Megan Holland | Photo by Farrah B. Fox


Megan Holland

Megan Holland | Photo by Brittany Lee

Megan Holland, co-founder and lead educator

Megan (she/her) started Women In Wine in 2018 while having the opportunity to work in Richmond, Virginia’s growing wine scene. Her jobs have always consisted of jumping between Outdoor Education (for youth) and restaurants. This love of both nature; working with the nuances of plants and the outdoors, as well as hospitality, is what drew her to wine. The best experiences are those shared, and what a better way to do that than great food and beverages. The goal was to create safe spaces for marginalized genders to experience wine in a welcoming environment. Wine should bring people together, not isolate. It also often brings conversation – something more than just experiences through taste.

Emily Abshire | Photo by Dāna Tatum

Emily Abshire, co-director
Contact for: anything pertaining to digital marketing, creative, branding

Not much into formal titles, Emily (they/she) identifies as Megan’s right-hand human, and more importantly, a wine witch. Emily’s day job is in the media industry, but have spent their weekends learning to grow grapes at Midland vineyards and how to make wine at Early Mountain. She spends a lot of free time drinking natty juice and getting into queer shenanigans. Emily loves community, socializing and learning new things, and is passionate about what InWine stands for.

Makayla Donigan

Makayla Donigan, blog editor
Contact for: blog contributions, story pitches

A long time fangirl of InWine, Makayla (she/her) is excited to join the team as a contributing blog writer. While she hasn’t formally worked in the industry yet, she is an avid learner who is curious about all things wine. When she’s not playing volleyball or drinking at one of the many wine bars around town, you can find her working in the tech industry as a project manager. 


Our partners

InWine is a collaborative community effort. We partner with local businesses and people in the Richmond community to host our events and source resources and information. Each InWine event donates a portion of the proceeds to an organization doing important work both locally and outside of Richmond.

and many, many more. Want to partner with us? Give us a shout at